The Trumpet Judgements
1st Trumpet (Revelation 8:7)
- hail, fire mingled with blood thrown to the earth
- 1/3 of the trees burned up
- all the green grass was burnt up
2nd Trumpet (Revelation 8:8-9)
- a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea
- 1/3 part of the sea became blood
- 1/3 of the sea life died
- 1/3 of the ships destroyed
3rd Trumpet (Revelation 8:10-11)
- a great star from heaven fell burning as it were a lamp
- it fell upon 1/3 of the rivers
- it fell upon the fountains (springs) of the earth
- the star is called Wormwood
- Wormwood means bitter
- many men died
4th Trumpet (Revelation 8:12-13)
- 1/3 of the sun, moon, and stars darkened so the 1/3 of the day and night did not shine
- an angel said with a loud voice "Woe, Woe, Woe"
- to the people of the earth because of the trumpets yet to sound
5th Trumpet (Revelation 9:1-12)
- 1st woe
- star fell from heaven
- had the key to open the bottomless pit
- pit opened
- smoke darkened the sun and air
- locusts tormented the people who did not have the seal of God in their foreheads for 5 months
- the locusts had a king over them
- the king was the angel of the bottomless pit
- name in Hebrew is Abaddon
- Abaddon: Strong's G3 - abaddōn
- Abaddon
- "destruction"
- ruin
- destruction
- the place of destruction
- the name of the angel-prince of the infernal regions, the minister of death and the author of havoc on the earth
- name in Greek is Apollyon
- Apollyon: Strong's G623 - apollyōn
- Apollyon = "Destroyer"
- the locusts were prepared for battle
- no green plant was harmed
6th Trumpet (Revelation 9:13-21)
- 2nd Woe
- 4 fallen angels from the Euphrates River are loosed
- they slay 1/3 of mankind
- 200 million horsemen army
- 3 Plagues
- fire
- smoke
- brimstone
- people still do not repent
Revelation Chapter 10 to 11:14
- Mighty Angel comes and gives John a little book (compare to Daniel 12:9, could this be the information that was sealed till the end time?)
- John told to eat the book
- makes stomach bitter
- taste sweet in the mouth
- there are 7 thunders
- John told to measure the temple of God, but not to include the court which is outside the temple
- the court is given unto the Gentiles
- the holy city is given to the Gentiles to tread under foot for 42 months
- The two witnesses (I believe that the two witnesses are Enoch and Elijah because the Bible says in Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Those two people were taken to heaven before they died.)
- Power given to prophesy for 42 months
- Fire will come out of their mouths to devour anyone who tries to hurt them
- They have the power to prevent rain
- They have the power to turn water to blood
- They have the power to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will
- After the 42 months, a beast will come out of the bottomless pit and make war against the two and kill them
- Their bodies will be left in the street of the great city that is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt
- the place where Jeus was crucified
- Their bodies will be left out for 3 1/2 days- no one will be allowed to bury them
- They that dwell on the earth will rejoice and be glad
- After the 3 1/2 days the Spirit of life from God will enter into them
- All that see this will be afraid
- The two witnesses will be called up to heaven
7th Trumpet (Revelation 11:15-19)
- 3rd Woe
- Kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ and He shall reign for ever
- There is worship in heaven
- The Ark of his Testament is seen in the temple in Heaven
- The time has come for the dead to be judged
- Wrath has come; nations are angry
The rest of the Eternity of God Bible Study is here
A very timely article. Thank you for sharing ☺️