January 14, 2025

1st to 4th Grade Bible Learning Resources

Children need to be taught the word of God from an early age. Here are some Topics and Resources that can help. 


  • Lapbook-Dinosaur-day-51.pdf This is a Lapbook that can be used with the following links. 
    • Dinosaur Definition
    • Being a PaleontOLogist: Mark Norell | AMNH
    • Kids Feedback: When Did Dinosaurs Live? | Kids Answers
    • Color the graph up to the right number for each dinosaur.
      • Tyrannosaurus Rex 40 feet
      • Iguanodon 33 feet
      • Triceratops 25 feet
      • Utahraptor 20 feet
      • Stegosaurus 25 feet
      • Velociraptor 6 feet
    • “Dinosaurs ate plants before [Adam and Eve sinned].  How do we know this?  God created the world and said it was “very good!”  Everything existed in perfect harmony.  We also know that all animals were vegetarians because of what we find in His Word–  Genesis 1:30, ‘And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every thing that creeps upon the earth, which has life, I have given every green herb for food: and it was so.’   Some scientists use the argument that dinosaurs had sharp teeth– therefore they ate meat.  However, today Giant Pandas and many other species of bears have sharp teeth (similar to large meat eating cats like lions), and they are vegetarian. After the fall, everything changed.  The world was no longer perfect as God had created it.  At this point it is possible that some varieties of dinosaurs became meat eaters.”
    • Dinosaur Facts for Kids
    • How Do The Dinosaurs Fit In? | The Institute for Creation Research
  • Free Dinosaurs Lapbook - Homeschool Share This is another lapbook that is nice the resources are on the website. 
General Bible Topics
Other - People who followed Jesus 


  1. Wow I bookmarked this one. I’m still amazed to learn that the Bible has an answer for the dinosaurs. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thank you for your comment. It made my day to know that I have helped someone learn.


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