January 27, 2025

Introduction to the Old Testament

What is an Old Testament Survey?
  • An Old Testament Survey is an examination of each book of the Old Testament to determine its central theme and how it fits within the overall theme of the Bible.
  • Understanding the big picture of each book, not a chapter by chapter or verse by verse study of the books of the Bible
The Old Testament
  • The Old Testament is made up of 39 books
  • The Old Testament covers a period of time of over 4000 years
  • The Old Testament covers the Old Covenants and is a foundation to the understanding and fulfillment of the New Testament/New Covenant
  • The Old Testament is a history book of the Hebrew nation and people
The central theme of the Old Testament is Jesus Christ revealed through types and shadows and prophecy
  1. Genesis - He is the Seed of Woman
  2. Exodus - He is the Passover Lamb
  3. Leviticus - He is the Atoning Sacrifice
  4. Numbers - He is the Smitten Rock
  5. Deuteronomy - He is the Prophet
  6. Joshua -He is the Captain of Lord's Host
  7. Judges - He is the Deliverer
  8. Ruth - He is the Heavenly Kinsman
  9. Kings - He is the Promised King
  10. Nehemiah - He is the Restorer
  11. Esther - He is the Advocate
  12. Job - He is our All and All
  13. Proverbs - He is our Pattern
  14. Ecclesiastes - He is our goal
  15. In the books written by the prophets- He is the coming Prince of Peace
  16. In the Gospels- Christ coming to seek and save
  17. Acts –Christ risen
  18. In the books of the Epistles - Christ the Father's right hand
  19. Revelations - Christ returning and reigning
Sections of the Old Testament
  • The Law (Pentateuch, Torah)
    • Genesis – Deuteronomy
  • The Historical Books
    • Joshua - Esther
  • The Poetic Books
    • Job – Song of Solomon
  • The Prophetic Books
    • Isaiah - Malachi
    • Major Prophets
      • Isaiah -Daniel
    • Minor Prophets
      • Hosea - Malachi
Clink on this link to proceed to the Book of Genesis

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