Showing posts with label 4th grade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4th grade. Show all posts

January 14, 2025

1st to 4th Grade Bible Learning Resources

Children need to be taught the word of God from an early age. Here are some Topics and Resources that can help. 


  • Lapbook-Dinosaur-day-51.pdf This is a Lapbook that can be used with the following links. 
    • Dinosaur Definition
    • Being a PaleontOLogist: Mark Norell | AMNH
    • Kids Feedback: When Did Dinosaurs Live? | Kids Answers
    • Color the graph up to the right number for each dinosaur.
      • Tyrannosaurus Rex 40 feet
      • Iguanodon 33 feet
      • Triceratops 25 feet
      • Utahraptor 20 feet
      • Stegosaurus 25 feet
      • Velociraptor 6 feet
    • “Dinosaurs ate plants before [Adam and Eve sinned].  How do we know this?  God created the world and said it was “very good!”  Everything existed in perfect harmony.  We also know that all animals were vegetarians because of what we find in His Word–  Genesis 1:30, ‘And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every thing that creeps upon the earth, which has life, I have given every green herb for food: and it was so.’   Some scientists use the argument that dinosaurs had sharp teeth– therefore they ate meat.  However, today Giant Pandas and many other species of bears have sharp teeth (similar to large meat eating cats like lions), and they are vegetarian. After the fall, everything changed.  The world was no longer perfect as God had created it.  At this point it is possible that some varieties of dinosaurs became meat eaters.”
    • Dinosaur Facts for Kids
    • How Do The Dinosaurs Fit In? | The Institute for Creation Research
  • Free Dinosaurs Lapbook - Homeschool Share This is another lapbook that is nice the resources are on the website. 
General Bible Topics
Other - People who followed Jesus 

December 17, 2024

4th Grade Social studies

 The 4th grade Social Studies student:
  • Expands geography knowledge—how the Earth moves, kinds of land and water on the Earth, and countries and continents: India, England, Africa, China, Myanmar (Burma), and South America.
  • Learns more about maps, globes, directions, distances, latitude and longitude, and modes of transportation.
  • Continues to learn about early America—colonial life, the native Americans of New England, Waodoni Indians of South America, John Bunyan, Señor Coronado, and the Pilgrims.


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

December 4, 2024

4th Grade Science

 The student:

  • Learns about the water cycle—condensation, evaporation, precipitation, cloud shapes, and the characteristics of air and water.
  • Studies living and nonliving matter, gravity, minerals and their uses, plants’ needs, and plant conservatories.
  • Identifies simple machines.
  • Learns about respiration and blood circulation, the diaphragm and heart, digestion and saliva.
  • Focuses on good hygiene and teeth; bacteria, viruses, and fungi; and the design and function of the skin.
  • Is introduced to early men of science.
  • Studies rockets and airplane flight.
  • Understands the need for exercise, sleep, and proper nutrition for the human body.


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

November 26, 2024

4th grade Reading and Writing

 The 4th grade Reading and writing student:

  • Uses imagination, deductive reasoning, and comparison and contrast.
  • Learns to draw conclusions and find the main idea of a paragraph.
  • Makes predictions about the end of a story and discerns between “alike” and “different.”
  • Increases dictionary skills, learns about biographies, autobiographies, and libraries.
  • Finds valuable lessons in character-building stories.
  • Writes a letter to a missionary, an invitation, an anecdote, a sketch, and a story ending.


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

November 7, 2024

4th Grade Language

  The 4th grade English student:

  • Continues cursive writing.
  • Practices alphabetizing and increases his comprehension of vowels and consonants.
  • Reviews and expands knowledge of the parts of speech—nouns (common, proper, singular, plural, and subject nouns), verbs (action, state-of-being, and helping), pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
  • Develops paragraph writing skills and reviews the types of sentences—declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory.
  • Identifies and practices using ending punctuation.
  • Learns the use of a colon and an apostrophe in contractions and possessives.
  • Begins to use the dictionary.
  • Learns proper letter writing form.
  • Reviews and expands word concepts (antonyms, synonyms, homonyms), confusing words, word pairs, and contractions.


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

November 6, 2024

4th Grade math topics and resources

 The 4th grade math student:

  • Learns additional multiplication facts; 10- and 11-times tables, and simple division skills; identifies and uses relationships between operations, such as division as the inverse of multiplication, to solve problems.
  • Matches word sentences with number sentences and reviews number words and symbols.
  • Rounds numbers on a number line to the nearest 5 and 10.
  • Reviews and learns Roman numerals 1–50 and word problems converting to numerals.
  • Learns to borrow and subtract 3-digits minus 3-digits, checks by addition, and borrows and subtracts from 10s, 100s, and 1000s.
  • Learns to use the terms addend, sum, minuend, subtrahend, difference, multiplier, multiplicand, and product to match correct numbers in problems.
  • Learns fractions through shaded parts of a circle, learns equivalency in fractions, and adds and subtracts like fractions.
  • Learns to add and carry to 10s, 100s, and 1000s—4-digits and 4-digits.
  • Reviews and demonstrates understanding of basic money concepts and skills.
  • Reviews converting inches to feet, feet to yards, and inches to yards; reading a scale in pounds; and converting cups to pints, pints to quarts, and quarts to gallons.


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

Jesus Made the Horses

 Jesus Made the Horses Jesus made horses to run free like the beautiful Mustangs and the Appaloosas. They are so strong and beautiful. There...