Showing posts with label math. Show all posts
Showing posts with label math. Show all posts

February 5, 2025

Algebra 1

Algebra I is the math course that is typically covered in ninth grade, although some students may complete pre-algebra or geometry

Algebra 1 students will cover topics such as:

  • real numbers
  • rational and irrational numbers
  • integers
  • variables
  • exponents and powers
  • scientific notation
  • lines
  • slopes
  • the Pythagorean Theorem
  • graphing
  • using equations to solve problems.

They will also gain experience in reasoning skills by working through reading, writing, and solving equations, simplifying and rewriting equations to solve problems, and using graphs to solve problems.


November 21, 2024

7th grade math Topics and Resources

The 7th grade math student:

  •  Reads, writes, and works with whole and mixed numbers, integers, and proper and improper fractions.
  • Learns the proper mathematical terminology—dividend, multiplicand, product, simplify, minuend, quotient, numerator, and denominator; changes fractions and decimals to percents; finds the number when a percent is known; finds the mean, mode, median, range, and rank; and interprets graphs, stem and leaf plots, and box and whisker plots.
  • Is introduced to business and consumer arithmetic—profit and loss, commission, discounts, bills and receipts, and invoices with discounts; ratios, proportions, and percents.
  • Reviews geometric concepts and finds perimeter, circumference, and surface area.
  • Learns Biblical principles of finance, budgeting, saving, investing, and bank services.
  • Reviews English and metric units of length, volume, weight, and temperature.
  • Reviews basic geometry concepts and symbols and uses a protractor and compass to find perimeter and area of shapes and solids.
  • Is introduced to equations—variable, sets, and set notation; vocabulary; symbols; and word problems


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November 20, 2024

6th grade math topics and resources


The 6th grade math student:

  •  Learns the properties of addition and multiplication—commutative, associative, identity, and zero.
  • Works with exponents and is introduced to expanded notation using exponents.
  • Rounds and estimates large numbers and works mental estimation problems.
  • Learns factoring rules (divisibility rules); identifies prime numbers and composite numbers.
  • Reviews fractions and fraction terms; adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides fractions; changes fractions to decimals using long division; and converts fractions to percents.
  • Reviews decimals; adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides decimals; defines repeating and terminating decimals; and changes decimals to percents. 
  • Relates percents and decimals to fractions, learns common percents, changes percents to decimals, and finds percent of a number.
  • Is introduced to integers.
  • Learns order of operation.
  • Learns the terms equations and inequalities when comparing number sentences (<, >, =).
  • Defines a variable and solves equations (one variable) using inverse operations.
  • Works with ratios and proportions and uses proportions to solve problems.
  • Finds the probability of an event and expresses probability as a ratio.
  • Uses critical thinking skills to solve word problems.
  • Defines and interprets circle, line, bar, and double-line graphs.
  • Builds geometric knowledge; measures angles; finds the perimeter, area, and volume; and defines the parts of a circle.
  • Rounds money to find estimated costs and solves money problems.
  • Compares English and metric measurements and carries out conversions.


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November 14, 2024

5th Grade Math Topics and Resources

  The 5th grade math student:

  •  Defines and identifies new math terms: quotient, dividend, numerator, and denominator.
  • Uses addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication with fractions; identifies proper and improper fractions; and reduces fractions to lowest terms.
  • Factors numbers from least to greatest, and finds the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) and the Least Common Denominator (LCD) of fractions. 
  • Recognizes the place value of each digit in numbers up to thousands.
  • Learns to represent and compare whole numbers and decimals. 
  • Learns the commutative properties of addition and multiplication and estimation. 
  • Compares numbers, sentences, words, decimals, and fractions using > and < symbols.
  • Defines and identifies prime numbers. 
  • References charts, pictographs, and line graphs.
  • Writes Roman numerals 1–399.
  • Learns basic geometry—points, lines, rays, and angles; identifies geometric shapes; identifies similar and congruent figures; and finds the volume, perimeter, and area of figures.
  • Learns about probabilities and ratios.
  • Processes simple unit conversions such as centimeters to meters within a system of measurement


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November 13, 2024

8th grade math topics and resources

  The 8th grade math student:

  •  Reviews basic number theory and mathematical terms and operations including integers, fractions, decimals, and percents. 
  • Gains mastery of exponents and learns to simplify radicals and estimate the value of numbers that are not perfect squares.
  • Solves one, two, and multistep equations and inequalities, including equations containing fractions and exponents.
  • Expands his knowledge of ratios and proportions and uses them to solve application and word problems in similarity, scaling, and unit costs.
  • Uses the Pythagorean Theorem. 
  • Uses measures of central tendency to analyze and interpret data and graphs. 
  • Expresses probability as ratios, decimals, and percents.
  • Finds the number of permutations and combinations using factorial notation and combinations using Pascal’s Triangle.
  • Reviews basic geometric concepts, symbols, shapes, and constructions, including translations, reflections, and rotations on a coordinate plane.
  • Converts between the English and metric systems of measurement and Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin temperature scales.
  • Expands his knowledge of business and consumer mathematics—sales, profit and loss, simple and compound interest, interest payments on loans, property tax, and life and auto insurance


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

November 6, 2024

4th Grade math topics and resources

 The 4th grade math student:

  • Learns additional multiplication facts; 10- and 11-times tables, and simple division skills; identifies and uses relationships between operations, such as division as the inverse of multiplication, to solve problems.
  • Matches word sentences with number sentences and reviews number words and symbols.
  • Rounds numbers on a number line to the nearest 5 and 10.
  • Reviews and learns Roman numerals 1–50 and word problems converting to numerals.
  • Learns to borrow and subtract 3-digits minus 3-digits, checks by addition, and borrows and subtracts from 10s, 100s, and 1000s.
  • Learns to use the terms addend, sum, minuend, subtrahend, difference, multiplier, multiplicand, and product to match correct numbers in problems.
  • Learns fractions through shaded parts of a circle, learns equivalency in fractions, and adds and subtracts like fractions.
  • Learns to add and carry to 10s, 100s, and 1000s—4-digits and 4-digits.
  • Reviews and demonstrates understanding of basic money concepts and skills.
  • Reviews converting inches to feet, feet to yards, and inches to yards; reading a scale in pounds; and converting cups to pints, pints to quarts, and quarts to gallons.


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

November 1, 2024

3rd grade math topics and resources

 The 3rd grade math student:

  •  Adds 3-digit to 3-digit numbers, subtracts 3-digit from 3-digit numbers, and solves word problems with carrying and borrowing.
  • Learns multiplication facts 1–9 with timed drills and oral drills.
  • Reviews numbers in place values of 1s, 10s, and 100s; writes numbers to count on a number line. reviews and writes on charts; and learns to use picture tables to determine height.
  • Reviews telling time and learns half-hour, quarter-hour, and 5-minute increments.
  • Learns Roman numerals.
  • Reviews measurements of weight, liquid, and length; converts inches to feet, feet to yards; reads scales in pounds; and learns the abbreviations in., ft., and yd. 
  • Writes ordinals first through tenth.
  • Learns to divide objects or sets into halves


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

October 31, 2024

2nd grade math topics and resource websites

The 2nd grade math student:

  •  Continues learning to add and subtract, to carry and borrow 2- and 3-digit numbers, solves word problems, and works addition and subtraction facts vertically and horizontally.
  • Completes timed drills and oral drills.
  • Learns to relate multiplication to addition.
  • Counts and writes by twos, fives, and tens; counts and writes from 1–500; writes numbers in place values of 1s, 10s, and 100s; and writes numbers on a calendar.
  • Recognizes and writes number words.
  • Learns to identify odd and even numbers.
  • Reviews telling time.
  • Reviews numbers that are greater than and less than.
  • Learns to relate cent signs to pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.
  • Learns to measure objects in inches and centimeters, and compares equivalents for cups to pint, pints to quart, and quarts to gallon.
  • Recognizes and constructs geometric shapes.


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1st Grade math Learning topics


The 1st Grade math Student:

  •         reviews and learns numbers in symbol, name, and number words from zero to ten
  •         Counts and writes from zero to one hundred
  •       Solves simple addition, subtraction, and word problems
  •       Learns to tell time
  •       Learns the concept of money and counting coins with pennies, nickels, and dimes
  •       Reviews length comparison: longer and shorter
  •       Learns liquid measurements: cups, pints, and quarts
  •      Reviews recognition of basic shapes
  •       Reviews order of numbers: before, between, after; and contrasting numbers—same, not the same, more than, and less than  
  • Get play coins and money - use them to count, play games with, and as demonstration piece. 

 For More Homeschool Resources click here.

Comprehensive 1st Grade Lesson Plans for Parents





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