The 8th grade math student:
- Reviews basic number theory and mathematical terms and operations including integers, fractions, decimals, and percents.
- Gains mastery of exponents and learns to simplify radicals and estimate the value of numbers that are not perfect squares.
- Solves one, two, and multistep equations and inequalities, including equations containing fractions and exponents.
- Expands his knowledge of ratios and proportions and uses them to solve application and word problems in similarity, scaling, and unit costs.
- Uses the Pythagorean Theorem.
- Uses measures of central tendency to analyze and interpret data and graphs.
- Expresses probability as ratios, decimals, and percents.
- Finds the number of permutations and combinations using factorial notation and combinations using Pascal’s Triangle.
- Reviews basic geometric concepts, symbols, shapes, and constructions, including translations, reflections, and rotations on a coordinate plane.
- Converts between the English and metric systems of measurement and Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin temperature scales.
- Expands his knowledge of business and consumer mathematics—sales, profit and loss, simple and compound interest, interest payments on loans, property tax, and life and auto insurance
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