Showing posts with label Poems by Bell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poems by Bell. Show all posts

February 20, 2025

Jesus Made the Horses

The picture shows beautiful horses running free.

 Jesus Made the Horses

Jesus made horses to run free like the beautiful Mustangs and the Appaloosas. They are so strong and beautiful. There are not just appaloosas and mustangs; there are quarter horses and paints. At first, they were all wild, but now they are trained for us to ride. Some are still running free and in the wild. God above said, "All things are good". 
The horse is a symbol of power. It is a wonderful creation of God, that God made. That is why the horse is my favorite animal. Oh, I know that there are a lot more types of horses than mustangs, appaloosas, quarter horses, and paints, but these four you should know. 
By Bell 

February 12, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

There is a special day it called Valentine's Day. It is when we give gifts and cards to our friends, to show we care for them. Valentine's Day is a great day because it's a day to show we care. We have parties with heart shaped cookies with red icing on them. Valentine's Day colors are red, pink, and white. My favorite part is to help people. We sometime learn to say friend in another language and or just another way. Here is a way I like to say it, amigo, ami, buds, and chum; we will be friends forever no matter what comes. 

Oh, Valentine's Day was not aways happy. Saint Valentine is remembered on Valentine Day. He was killed by a king, but I am getting ahead of myself. Saint Valentine was a good man. He helped people get married. Oh, he did miracles. he healed a blind girl, the daughter of a guard. Saint Valentine told the guard about Jesus. The guard asked if he could heal his daughter and tell her about Jesus and heaven above. So, Saint Valentine did both. Saint Valentine went in and out of jail all because he told people about Jesus. Saint Valentine fell in love with the guard's daughter, but the mean king did not like him. So, he was put to death. However, he had wrote a letter to his love, the guard's daughter. Saint Valentine died on February 14th. So, we remember him on February 14th. Saint Valentine gave to people, and he helped people before he died. He gave little hearts to people to remind them of their faith in God. So now we give cards to our friends to remember him and his faith in God and how he helped others on Valentine's Day.

By Bell

More Poems

February 7, 2025

The Snowflake

The picture shows a snowflake

 Little snowflake oh how swiftly you are like a swan. 

The Picture shows a white swan on a lake.

How graceful you are like a dancer dancing in the moon light. 

The picture shows a dancer dancing in the moon light,

You are as white as a beautiful pale white rose. 

The picture shows a white rose.

How beautiful you are snowflake. 

by Isabella 


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February 5, 2025

God's River of Love and Peace

The Picture shows a peaceful river flowing through a valley with flowers.

There is a river that flows with love and peace. It flows wide and deep. The river always runs so peacefully; it runs so sweetly. When sadness hits, it washes down the river and up comes happiness and peace. It runs through a peaceful valley with love for us. When we are sad, we come to the river to pray for help. Jesus gives us peace in our hearts. 

There is peace in the valley for all of us. Look around and you can see the peace in the valley. There are birds singing in the trees above the river of love. O' see the boats rocking back and forth on the peaceful river of God, the river of Love and Peace. 

By Isabella 


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January 31, 2025

The Hummingbird

A rainbow colored hummingbird near a flower

The Hummingbird 

Hummingbird oh how you fly like a butterfly to each little morning glory that opens their doors. You are like a beautiful rainbow with all your colors. You are so very little, Hummingbird, but so beautiful as you and your hummingbird friends around. You come from flower to flower. You do not sing that is true, but hum so very beautifully. You are the best as you are as God made you, Hummingbird. 

by Isabella


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January 30, 2025

God Made Pets For us to Love

A girl and boy with a dog amd two cats.

God made all pets for us to love, and care for. He made dogs and cats for us to love. We need them and they need us. We need each other, to get thought it all. God knew this, so he made them and us for each other to care about each other and love each other. God loves us and them, too. He does, he really does love us all. We need pets because we tell them our feelings and they listen to us and to our feelings. When we feel blue, they make us feel so good inside. We love our pets, and they love us.

By Isabella

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O' What an Amazing World We Live In


A river running peacefully through a garden.Butterflies, bees, and birds flying over a river that flows through a garden.

O' what an amazing world we live in. O' the places we could go.  All because God made them for us. Look around and you will see them. God has made them just for us, if you look around you will see God's amazing works. In the amazing world we live in. Just stop and listen you can hear them all around us like the river running and the birds singing in the wonderful word we live in. You can hear them all around us and smell the wonders in the amazing word; like the smells of the flowers budding out, the bees buzzing around, and the butterflies flying from flower to flower, in the amazing word we live in that our God made for us. 

By Isabella 

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Jesus Made the Horses

 Jesus Made the Horses Jesus made horses to run free like the beautiful Mustangs and the Appaloosas. They are so strong and beautiful. There...