Showing posts with label homeschool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homeschool. Show all posts

February 5, 2025

Algebra 1

Algebra I is the math course that is typically covered in ninth grade, although some students may complete pre-algebra or geometry

Algebra 1 students will cover topics such as:

  • real numbers
  • rational and irrational numbers
  • integers
  • variables
  • exponents and powers
  • scientific notation
  • lines
  • slopes
  • the Pythagorean Theorem
  • graphing
  • using equations to solve problems.

They will also gain experience in reasoning skills by working through reading, writing, and solving equations, simplifying and rewriting equations to solve problems, and using graphs to solve problems.


January 22, 2025

High School Bible


It is important for teenagers to be rooted and grounded in their faith because the devil roams about as a roaring lion seeking whom he my devour. 

Here are some resources to help your teens to learn more about God's Word. Some of these sites are great for adults, too. All of these resources are free. 

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January 14, 2025

5th to 8th Grade Bible Learning Resources

All children need to be instructed in the Word of God. There is many different Bible Topics to choose from. Here are some resources to aid in teaching your children the Bible.

Dinosaurs - a topic that the world uses to lure are children away from the Church.


1st to 4th Grade Bible Learning Resources

Children need to be taught the word of God from an early age. Here are some Topics and Resources that can help. 


  • Lapbook-Dinosaur-day-51.pdf This is a Lapbook that can be used with the following links. 
    • Dinosaur Definition
    • Being a PaleontOLogist: Mark Norell | AMNH
    • Kids Feedback: When Did Dinosaurs Live? | Kids Answers
    • Color the graph up to the right number for each dinosaur.
      • Tyrannosaurus Rex 40 feet
      • Iguanodon 33 feet
      • Triceratops 25 feet
      • Utahraptor 20 feet
      • Stegosaurus 25 feet
      • Velociraptor 6 feet
    • “Dinosaurs ate plants before [Adam and Eve sinned].  How do we know this?  God created the world and said it was “very good!”  Everything existed in perfect harmony.  We also know that all animals were vegetarians because of what we find in His Word–  Genesis 1:30, ‘And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every thing that creeps upon the earth, which has life, I have given every green herb for food: and it was so.’   Some scientists use the argument that dinosaurs had sharp teeth– therefore they ate meat.  However, today Giant Pandas and many other species of bears have sharp teeth (similar to large meat eating cats like lions), and they are vegetarian. After the fall, everything changed.  The world was no longer perfect as God had created it.  At this point it is possible that some varieties of dinosaurs became meat eaters.”
    • Dinosaur Facts for Kids
    • How Do The Dinosaurs Fit In? | The Institute for Creation Research
  • Free Dinosaurs Lapbook - Homeschool Share This is another lapbook that is nice the resources are on the website. 
General Bible Topics
Other - People who followed Jesus 

January 13, 2025

8th grade Science

  The 8th grade Science student: 

  • Explores the wonders, resources, and cycles of God’s Creation
  • Searches proofs of Creation and the Flood 
  • Studies astronomy—the stars, familiar and unusual, their purpose and message, and planets of the solar system 
  • Learns about the structure and measurable qualities of Earth’s atmosphere, climates, weather factors and forecasting, and the hydrosphere 
  • Looks at the foundations of the world—Earth’s layers, topography and mapping of the world, soil formation and conservation, and weathering and erosion 
  • Discovers Earth’s buried treasures—understanding, classifying, using, and appreciating our mineral resources. 

January 11, 2025

Essential 7th grade Science Topics

The 7th grade science student:

  • Continues exploring the skeletal and muscular systems, different types of viruses, bacteria, algae, and fungi. 
  • Studies characteristics of 
    • birds
    • mammals
    • botany - the needs, conducting, and reproductive systems of plants.  
  • Learns about simple and complex invertebrate animals
  • the structure and characteristics of vertebrates, embryos, inherited traits, gene functions, and alterations
  • Studies ecology
    • balance and cycles of nature 
    • biomes 
    • effects of water and air pollution
    • how pollution can be controlled
  • Increases vocabulary with the introduction of new words 

December 26, 2024

8th grade Social Studies

 There is no specific course of study guidelines for eighth-grade social studies. A homeschool family's curriculum choices or personal preferences are usually the determining factors. An eighth-grader following a classical homeschooling style will likely study modern history. 

Other standard topics for eighth-grade social studies include: 

  • explorers and their discoveries
  • the growth and development of the United States
  • colonial life
  • the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights
  • the American Civil War and Reconstruction. 
Students may also study a variety of topics related to the United States such as the U.S. culture, political system, government, economic system, and geography.


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

December 24, 2024

7th Grade Social Studies

Seventh-grade social studies topics can vary greatly.  

World history topics may include:

  • the Middle Ages
  • the Renaissance
  • the Roman Empire
  • European revolutions or 
  • World War I and World War II. 

American history may include: 

  • the Industrial Revolution
  • the Scientific Revolution
  • the early 20th century including the 1920's, 1930's
  • the Great Depression
  • Civil Rights leaders. 

Geography may include: 

  • a detailed study of various regions or cultures, including the history, foods, customs, and religion of the area. 
  • It may also focus on the geographic influences on significant historical events.

December 19, 2024

6th Grade Social Studies

The 6th grade Social Studies Student will study in:

  • US History: Studying the country’s history, from colonization to the present day
  • World History: Exploring major world events, cultures, and civilizations (including ancient history)
  • Geography: Understanding the world’s regions, countries, and cultures
  • Civics and Government: Exploring the US government, its branches, and the role of citizenship

  • Resources:
    For More Homeschool Resources click here.

    December 18, 2024

    5th Grade Social Studies

     The 5th grade Social Studies student:

    •  Learns about systems of government, great leaders, wars, and current events affecting our world.
    • Learns Biblical truths—work is of God, possessions and true prosperity are from God, stewardship, entrusting one’s life to Jesus, faithfulness and loyalty, and obedience.
    • Discovers Christian leaders and missionaries in American history—John Eliot and Dr. Marcus Whitman.
    • Studies early American history to modern history:
      • Early explorers 
      • England’s influence 
      • Early settlements 
      • American Independence 
      • American Immigration 
      • World Wars I and II 
      • George Washington 
      • Civil War and Reconstruction 
      • Industrial Revolution 
      • Great Depression 
      • American presidents
    • Uses a timeline and completes map studies 


    For More Homeschool Resources click here.

    December 17, 2024

    4th Grade Social studies

     The 4th grade Social Studies student:
    • Expands geography knowledge—how the Earth moves, kinds of land and water on the Earth, and countries and continents: India, England, Africa, China, Myanmar (Burma), and South America.
    • Learns more about maps, globes, directions, distances, latitude and longitude, and modes of transportation.
    • Continues to learn about early America—colonial life, the native Americans of New England, Waodoni Indians of South America, John Bunyan, Señor Coronado, and the Pilgrims.


    For More Homeschool Resources click here.

    December 12, 2024

    The 12's Times tables Trick

    The 12's times tables have always been a little difficult to solve. My son and I was working on some math problems when I noticed that the 12's has an interesting pattern (see the above picture).  The answer in the one's place counts by 2's restarting at 0 after 8. The other part of the answer counts by 1's skipping the 6th number.  As you can see the pattern repeats quite well.  Did anyone else already know this? If so, please share in the comments. 


    December 11, 2024

    3rd grade Social Studies

    The picture shows a globe and other maps.

    The 3rd Grade Social Studies student:

    •  Is introduced to different forms of communication—telephone, email, languages, sign language, Braille, microphones, CD recordings, and the printing press.
    • Learns about conservation of water and land use and the natural resources water and gas.
    • Gains interest in geography—continents on the map and globe, Spain, and Israel.
    • Distinguishes between different types of communities, businesses, and agriculture—farms and products.
    • Expands knowledge of American history—Christopher Columbus, colonization, slavery, George Washington Carver, and our government.


    For More Homeschool Resources click here.

    December 10, 2024

    2nd Grade Social Studies

    The 2nd grade Social Studies student:

    •  Learns about other countries. 
    • Learns about travel—maps, signs, the compass, camping, and directions.
    • Expands his understanding of our country—freedom, the Capital, our President, citizenship, flags and pledges, famous buildings, Washington, D .C., George Washington, and rules and laws.
    • Learns about communities, farms and ranches, fruits and orchards.
    • Builds reading comprehension and learns new vocabulary.


    For More Homeschool Resources click here.

    December 5, 2024

    6th grade Science

    A student with test tubes and beakers nearby studying science.

    The 6th grade Science student:

    •  Expands his vocabulary base with the addition of new vocabulary words.
    • Explores the theories, properties, and laws of magnetism, and the uses of magnets, acids, bases, elements, solvents, solutes, and solutions in chemistry, higher and lower plants, and the process of photosynthesis.
    • Looks at the history, nature, and uses of electricity; chemical, mechanical, and nuclear sources of electricity and measuring electricity.
    • Learns about the central nervous system, the senses, the structure and function of the skeletal and muscular systems, infectious and noninfectious diseases, treatment of and defense against diseases, and digestion and nutrition.


    For More Homeschool Resources click here.

    December 4, 2024

    5th Grade Science

      The 6th grade Science student:

    •  Explores living and nonliving matter and active, dormant, and extinct volcanoes.
    • Learns about energy—work, force, kinetic, potential, and radiant energy.
    • Studies oceanography, astronomy, comets, and the aurora borealis and aurora Australis.
    • Studies the outer, inner, and middle ear; hearing difficulties; and vibration, pitch, and frequency of sounds.
    • Studies molecular and atomic theories; friction, heat, and gravity; and expansion and contraction.
    • Views dinosaurs and fossils from a Biblical perspective. 
    • Learns the relationship between the Bible and botany, meteorology, and zoology.
    • Discovers the Bible to be the final authority in scientific matters.


    For More Homeschool Resources click here.

    4th Grade Science

     The student:

    • Learns about the water cycle—condensation, evaporation, precipitation, cloud shapes, and the characteristics of air and water.
    • Studies living and nonliving matter, gravity, minerals and their uses, plants’ needs, and plant conservatories.
    • Identifies simple machines.
    • Learns about respiration and blood circulation, the diaphragm and heart, digestion and saliva.
    • Focuses on good hygiene and teeth; bacteria, viruses, and fungi; and the design and function of the skin.
    • Is introduced to early men of science.
    • Studies rockets and airplane flight.
    • Understands the need for exercise, sleep, and proper nutrition for the human body.


    For More Homeschool Resources click here.

    December 3, 2024

    3rd grade Science

      The 3rd Grade Science student:

    •  Observes the faithfulness of God while learning about the solar system.
    • Learns about the concept and measurement of time.
    • Learns about animal and plant life cycles.
    • Recalls and continues the study of God’s Creation.
    • Studies Bible topics such as Jesus’ return; sin, death, and the curse; man’s freedom to choose to love and obey God. 
    • Read stories using new vocabulary and visual discrimination.
    • Looks at geological changes after the Flood—jungles and hot lands, tundra and cold lands, volcanoes and earthquakes.


    For More Homeschool Resources click here.

    Jesus Made the Horses

     Jesus Made the Horses Jesus made horses to run free like the beautiful Mustangs and the Appaloosas. They are so strong and beautiful. There...