Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts

November 21, 2024

7th grade English topics and Resources

 The 7th grade English student:

  • Identifies, reviews, and diagrams simple, compound, and complex sentence patterns.
  • Reviews eight parts of speech and studies prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
  • Is introduced to infinitives and gerunds.
  • Reviews principal parts of regular and irregular verbs—perfect tenses; conjugation of all six tenses; progressive verb forms; transitive and intransitive verbs; and subject-verb agreement.
  • Increases noun study—exact, compound, collective, plural, and possessive.
  • Develops use of personal pronouns—nominative, objective, and possessive case, demonstrative, interrogative, relative, reflexive, and indefinite pronouns. 
  • Applies adjectives as indefinite pronouns, nouns, participles, and predicate adjectives.
  • Develops writing and communication skills through use of sentence variety, outlining, paragraph writing, composition writing, and proofreading.
  • Works with paragraph structure—indenting, main idea, topic sentence, summary, dependent and independent clauses, and phrases.


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November 20, 2024

6th grade English topics and Resources

  The 6th grade English student:

  •  Increases word concepts—antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and heteronyms.
  • Reviews nouns—common, proper, compound, singular, plural, possessive; and learns about collective nouns and nouns in apposition.
  • Expands verb knowledge (action, linking, state-of-being, regular and irregular) to include verb tenses (present, past, future), and conjugation of all six tenses; verb agreement; and the review of troublesome verbs (learn/teach, sit/set, lay/lie, rise/raise).
  • Identifies pronouns—personal (subjective and possessive), interrogative, demonstrative, relative, reflexive, and indefinite.
  • Builds upon parts of speech—comparisons using adjectives and adverbs, prepositions and phrases, coordinating conjunctions, interjections, and diagramming.
  • Strengthens sentence writing by using sentence patterns, interesting words, and exact nouns; recognizes subject and verb agreement; and types of clauses.
  • Practices writing paragraphs and begins outlining and research.
  • Uses simple, compound, and compound-complex sentences with effective coordination and subordination of ideas to express complete thoughts.
  • Learns to identify types of sentence patterns and clauses.


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November 14, 2024

5th grade English topics and resources

 The 5th grade English student:

  •  Expands his knowledge of nouns and verbs and learns the agreement of subjects and verbs.
  • Learns to diagram the subject, action verb, state-of-being verb, predicate noun, adjectives, adverbs, and direct object of a sentence.
  • Identifies and correctly uses verbs that are often misused, modifiers, and pronouns.
  • Changes a given list of verbs from singular to plural.
  • Reviews pronouns and identifies the kinds (personal, interrogative, demonstrative, and indefinite) and cases (subjective, objective, and possessive).
  • Recognizes simple and complete subjects and predicates.
  • Is introduced to predicate adjectives and comparative degrees of adverbs.
  • Recognizes complete sentences and fragments, learns four sentence patterns, and develops paragraphs.
  • Learns and practices punctuation rules including quotation marks, underlining titles, etc. 
  • Increases word concepts (antonyms, synonyms, homophones) and learns about heteronyms.
  • Writes business and friendly letters.
  • Demonstrates a mastery of proper capitalization.


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November 12, 2024

8th Grade English Topics and resources

  The 8th grade English student:

  • Reviews verbs and verb tenses, progressive form, and the emphatic mood.
  • Concentrates on diagramming pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, compound subjects and verbs, and all four sentence patterns.
  • Expands noun functions in sentences—compound, collective, plural, possessive, and subject/verb agreement.
  • Develops five kinds of pronouns (demonstrative, relative, interrogative, reflexive, and indefinite), the three cases of personal pronouns (nominative, objective, and possessive), subject pronoun/verb agreement (number, person, and gender), and diagrams pronouns.
  • Reviews parts of speech.
  • Continues to develop writing skills which include topic sentences, outlining, and paragraph development
  • Edits written paragraphs to ensure that correct grammar is used 
  • Recognizes sentence fragments and run-on sentences.
  • Writes several short biographical sketches.


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November 7, 2024

4th Grade Language

  The 4th grade English student:

  • Continues cursive writing.
  • Practices alphabetizing and increases his comprehension of vowels and consonants.
  • Reviews and expands knowledge of the parts of speech—nouns (common, proper, singular, plural, and subject nouns), verbs (action, state-of-being, and helping), pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
  • Develops paragraph writing skills and reviews the types of sentences—declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory.
  • Identifies and practices using ending punctuation.
  • Learns the use of a colon and an apostrophe in contractions and possessives.
  • Begins to use the dictionary.
  • Learns proper letter writing form.
  • Reviews and expands word concepts (antonyms, synonyms, homonyms), confusing words, word pairs, and contractions.


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2nd grade English Topics and Resources

 The 2nd grade English student:

  • Reviews phonics—identifies vowels, consonants, blends, diphthongs, and suffixes.
  • Learns punctuation—telling and asking sentences, capitalization, quotation marks, and apostrophes.
  • Learns suffixes—s, -ed, -ing, and -er.
  • Is introduced to compound words.
  • Studies confusing words—no/any, can/may, is/are, does/do, to/too/two.
  • Discovers parts of speech—nouns, prepositions, verbs, and adverb concepts.
  • Is introduced to word order and concepts—sequences, same/opposite, homonyms, rhyming words, and poetry.
  • Writes friendly letters.
  • Practices writing sentences.
  • Reads paragraphs for comprehension


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

November 5, 2024

3rd grade English learning topics

  The 3rd grade English student:

  •  Alphabetizes words.
  • Learns about sentence types—declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences.
  • Learns about basic punctuation marks (. ? ! , ’ “ ”).
  • Practices cursive writing—lowercase and capital letters.
  • Learns parts of speech—nouns (common, proper, singular, and plural), pronouns, adjectives, verbs (action and state-of-being), and prepositions.
  • Uses compound words.
  • Understands word concepts—antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, confusing words, and confusing word pairs (a/an, learn/teach, sit/set, let/leave, their/there, its/it’s, and can/may).
  • Writes letters and addresses envelopes.
  • Learns about rhyming words and poems 


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1st grade English

The 1st grade English student:

  • Reviews consonant and vowel sounds.
  • Is introduced to reading and writing of word families and sentences.
  • Studies blends, diphthongs, ending sounds, and suffixes.
  • Develops reading comprehension skills.
  • Copies sentences using proper capitalization and punctuation.


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Jesus Made the Horses

 Jesus Made the Horses Jesus made horses to run free like the beautiful Mustangs and the Appaloosas. They are so strong and beautiful. There...