Showing posts with label 3rd grade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3rd grade. Show all posts

January 14, 2025

1st to 4th Grade Bible Learning Resources

Children need to be taught the word of God from an early age. Here are some Topics and Resources that can help. 


  • Lapbook-Dinosaur-day-51.pdf This is a Lapbook that can be used with the following links. 
    • Dinosaur Definition
    • Being a PaleontOLogist: Mark Norell | AMNH
    • Kids Feedback: When Did Dinosaurs Live? | Kids Answers
    • Color the graph up to the right number for each dinosaur.
      • Tyrannosaurus Rex 40 feet
      • Iguanodon 33 feet
      • Triceratops 25 feet
      • Utahraptor 20 feet
      • Stegosaurus 25 feet
      • Velociraptor 6 feet
    • “Dinosaurs ate plants before [Adam and Eve sinned].  How do we know this?  God created the world and said it was “very good!”  Everything existed in perfect harmony.  We also know that all animals were vegetarians because of what we find in His Word–  Genesis 1:30, ‘And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every thing that creeps upon the earth, which has life, I have given every green herb for food: and it was so.’   Some scientists use the argument that dinosaurs had sharp teeth– therefore they ate meat.  However, today Giant Pandas and many other species of bears have sharp teeth (similar to large meat eating cats like lions), and they are vegetarian. After the fall, everything changed.  The world was no longer perfect as God had created it.  At this point it is possible that some varieties of dinosaurs became meat eaters.”
    • Dinosaur Facts for Kids
    • How Do The Dinosaurs Fit In? | The Institute for Creation Research
  • Free Dinosaurs Lapbook - Homeschool Share This is another lapbook that is nice the resources are on the website. 
General Bible Topics
Other - People who followed Jesus 

December 11, 2024

3rd grade Social Studies

The picture shows a globe and other maps.

The 3rd Grade Social Studies student:

  •  Is introduced to different forms of communication—telephone, email, languages, sign language, Braille, microphones, CD recordings, and the printing press.
  • Learns about conservation of water and land use and the natural resources water and gas.
  • Gains interest in geography—continents on the map and globe, Spain, and Israel.
  • Distinguishes between different types of communities, businesses, and agriculture—farms and products.
  • Expands knowledge of American history—Christopher Columbus, colonization, slavery, George Washington Carver, and our government.


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

December 3, 2024

3rd grade Science

  The 3rd Grade Science student:

  •  Observes the faithfulness of God while learning about the solar system.
  • Learns about the concept and measurement of time.
  • Learns about animal and plant life cycles.
  • Recalls and continues the study of God’s Creation.
  • Studies Bible topics such as Jesus’ return; sin, death, and the curse; man’s freedom to choose to love and obey God. 
  • Read stories using new vocabulary and visual discrimination.
  • Looks at geological changes after the Flood—jungles and hot lands, tundra and cold lands, volcanoes and earthquakes.


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

November 13, 2024

3rd grade Reading and writing

The 3rd grade Reading and writing Students will:

  • grow in their reading ability by reading poetry, short stories, plays, and challenging full-length novels. 
  • summarize stories, learning to state the main idea and supporting details.
  • demonstrate comprehension through reading response questions. 
  • continue to expand their vocabulary, learning words from their readings and making their own dictionary.
For More Homeschool Resources click here.

November 5, 2024

3rd grade English learning topics

  The 3rd grade English student:

  •  Alphabetizes words.
  • Learns about sentence types—declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences.
  • Learns about basic punctuation marks (. ? ! , ’ “ ”).
  • Practices cursive writing—lowercase and capital letters.
  • Learns parts of speech—nouns (common, proper, singular, and plural), pronouns, adjectives, verbs (action and state-of-being), and prepositions.
  • Uses compound words.
  • Understands word concepts—antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, confusing words, and confusing word pairs (a/an, learn/teach, sit/set, let/leave, their/there, its/it’s, and can/may).
  • Writes letters and addresses envelopes.
  • Learns about rhyming words and poems 


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

November 1, 2024

3rd grade math topics and resources

 The 3rd grade math student:

  •  Adds 3-digit to 3-digit numbers, subtracts 3-digit from 3-digit numbers, and solves word problems with carrying and borrowing.
  • Learns multiplication facts 1–9 with timed drills and oral drills.
  • Reviews numbers in place values of 1s, 10s, and 100s; writes numbers to count on a number line. reviews and writes on charts; and learns to use picture tables to determine height.
  • Reviews telling time and learns half-hour, quarter-hour, and 5-minute increments.
  • Learns Roman numerals.
  • Reviews measurements of weight, liquid, and length; converts inches to feet, feet to yards; reads scales in pounds; and learns the abbreviations in., ft., and yd. 
  • Writes ordinals first through tenth.
  • Learns to divide objects or sets into halves


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

Jesus Made the Horses

 Jesus Made the Horses Jesus made horses to run free like the beautiful Mustangs and the Appaloosas. They are so strong and beautiful. There...