The 6th grade math student:
- Learns the properties of addition and multiplication—commutative, associative, identity, and zero.
- Works with exponents and is introduced to expanded notation using exponents.
- Rounds and estimates large numbers and works mental estimation problems.
- Learns factoring rules (divisibility rules); identifies prime numbers and composite numbers.
- Reviews fractions and fraction terms; adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides fractions; changes fractions to decimals using long division; and converts fractions to percents.
- Reviews decimals; adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides decimals; defines repeating and terminating decimals; and changes decimals to percents.
- Relates percents and decimals to fractions, learns common percents, changes percents to decimals, and finds percent of a number.
- Is introduced to integers.
- Learns order of operation.
- Learns the terms equations and inequalities when comparing number sentences (<, >, =).
- Defines a variable and solves equations (one variable) using inverse operations.
- Works with ratios and proportions and uses proportions to solve problems.
- Finds the probability of an event and expresses probability as a ratio.
- Uses critical thinking skills to solve word problems.
- Defines and interprets circle, line, bar, and double-line graphs.
- Builds geometric knowledge; measures angles; finds the perimeter, area, and volume; and defines the parts of a circle.
- Rounds money to find estimated costs and solves money problems.
- Compares English and metric measurements and carries out conversions.
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