November 22, 2024

Tortillas and eggs with salsa



  • 5 corn tortillas 
  • 4 eggs 
  • Salt and pepper to taste 
  • Cooking oil 
  • ¼ cup of salsa
1. Cut the tortillas into small squares
2. Put a small amount cooking oil into a frying pan and make it hot.
3. Put the tortilla pieces into the frying pan with medium heat. Put a lid on top.
4. Beat the eggs. Add in salt and pepper to taste.
5. Pour the egg over the tortilla pieces.
6. Cook until egg is done. 
7. Pour in salsa. 
8. Heat until salsa is hot. 

Dipping Sauce

This is a great tasting dipping sauce. My mom made this as like a homemade Thousand Island. One day my husband saw it and tasted it. He said that it reminded him of Raising Cane's Sauce. 

  • 1/2 Cup Kraft Mayo
  • 1/2 Ketchup 
  • 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper 

  1. Mix all ingredients together. 

November 21, 2024

7th grade English topics and Resources

 The 7th grade English student:

  • Identifies, reviews, and diagrams simple, compound, and complex sentence patterns.
  • Reviews eight parts of speech and studies prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
  • Is introduced to infinitives and gerunds.
  • Reviews principal parts of regular and irregular verbs—perfect tenses; conjugation of all six tenses; progressive verb forms; transitive and intransitive verbs; and subject-verb agreement.
  • Increases noun study—exact, compound, collective, plural, and possessive.
  • Develops use of personal pronouns—nominative, objective, and possessive case, demonstrative, interrogative, relative, reflexive, and indefinite pronouns. 
  • Applies adjectives as indefinite pronouns, nouns, participles, and predicate adjectives.
  • Develops writing and communication skills through use of sentence variety, outlining, paragraph writing, composition writing, and proofreading.
  • Works with paragraph structure—indenting, main idea, topic sentence, summary, dependent and independent clauses, and phrases.


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

7th grade math Topics and Resources

The 7th grade math student:

  •  Reads, writes, and works with whole and mixed numbers, integers, and proper and improper fractions.
  • Learns the proper mathematical terminology—dividend, multiplicand, product, simplify, minuend, quotient, numerator, and denominator; changes fractions and decimals to percents; finds the number when a percent is known; finds the mean, mode, median, range, and rank; and interprets graphs, stem and leaf plots, and box and whisker plots.
  • Is introduced to business and consumer arithmetic—profit and loss, commission, discounts, bills and receipts, and invoices with discounts; ratios, proportions, and percents.
  • Reviews geometric concepts and finds perimeter, circumference, and surface area.
  • Learns Biblical principles of finance, budgeting, saving, investing, and bank services.
  • Reviews English and metric units of length, volume, weight, and temperature.
  • Reviews basic geometry concepts and symbols and uses a protractor and compass to find perimeter and area of shapes and solids.
  • Is introduced to equations—variable, sets, and set notation; vocabulary; symbols; and word problems


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

November 20, 2024

6th grade English topics and Resources

  The 6th grade English student:

  •  Increases word concepts—antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and heteronyms.
  • Reviews nouns—common, proper, compound, singular, plural, possessive; and learns about collective nouns and nouns in apposition.
  • Expands verb knowledge (action, linking, state-of-being, regular and irregular) to include verb tenses (present, past, future), and conjugation of all six tenses; verb agreement; and the review of troublesome verbs (learn/teach, sit/set, lay/lie, rise/raise).
  • Identifies pronouns—personal (subjective and possessive), interrogative, demonstrative, relative, reflexive, and indefinite.
  • Builds upon parts of speech—comparisons using adjectives and adverbs, prepositions and phrases, coordinating conjunctions, interjections, and diagramming.
  • Strengthens sentence writing by using sentence patterns, interesting words, and exact nouns; recognizes subject and verb agreement; and types of clauses.
  • Practices writing paragraphs and begins outlining and research.
  • Uses simple, compound, and compound-complex sentences with effective coordination and subordination of ideas to express complete thoughts.
  • Learns to identify types of sentence patterns and clauses.


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

6th grade math topics and resources


The 6th grade math student:

  •  Learns the properties of addition and multiplication—commutative, associative, identity, and zero.
  • Works with exponents and is introduced to expanded notation using exponents.
  • Rounds and estimates large numbers and works mental estimation problems.
  • Learns factoring rules (divisibility rules); identifies prime numbers and composite numbers.
  • Reviews fractions and fraction terms; adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides fractions; changes fractions to decimals using long division; and converts fractions to percents.
  • Reviews decimals; adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides decimals; defines repeating and terminating decimals; and changes decimals to percents. 
  • Relates percents and decimals to fractions, learns common percents, changes percents to decimals, and finds percent of a number.
  • Is introduced to integers.
  • Learns order of operation.
  • Learns the terms equations and inequalities when comparing number sentences (<, >, =).
  • Defines a variable and solves equations (one variable) using inverse operations.
  • Works with ratios and proportions and uses proportions to solve problems.
  • Finds the probability of an event and expresses probability as a ratio.
  • Uses critical thinking skills to solve word problems.
  • Defines and interprets circle, line, bar, and double-line graphs.
  • Builds geometric knowledge; measures angles; finds the perimeter, area, and volume; and defines the parts of a circle.
  • Rounds money to find estimated costs and solves money problems.
  • Compares English and metric measurements and carries out conversions.


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

November 19, 2024

Literature and Creative writing Resources for 8th grade

  • Literary skills focus on reading comprehension and text analysis. Students should apply their reading comprehension skills to documents.
  • They should be able to recognize the main idea, central theme, and supporting details. Students should have ample practice summarizing, comparing and contrasting, and inferring an author's meaning. Eighth-grade students should also learn to recognize and understand the use of language, such as figurative language, analog, and allusions.
  • Students should begin comparing and two texts that present conflicting information on the same topic. They should be able to identify the cause of the conflicts, such as contradictory or inaccurate facts, or the author's opinion or bias on the subject.
  • Provide eighth graders with ample opportunities practice their composition skills. They should a variety of essays and more complex compositions, including how-to, persuasive, and informational articles; poetry; short stories; and research papers


For More Homeschool Resources click here.

Jesus Made the Horses

 Jesus Made the Horses Jesus made horses to run free like the beautiful Mustangs and the Appaloosas. They are so strong and beautiful. There...