Preschool Learning Topics
Preschool learning Topics
Pick 3-5 areas per day. Try to combine any areas when
- Bees are yellow and black (math and art)
- The word “bee” starts with the letter B (language)
- Practice writing the letter b (fine motor)
- With chalk, paint, colors, pencil, or in playdoh
- Look at pictures of bees in a book (Language)
- Get book from library
- Count the bees you see in the book (math)
- Read about where bees live and what they make (language and science)
- Draw a bee (art and fine motor)
- Pretend to buzz around like a bee (imaginative play and P.E.)
- Eat honey (science)
- Notice that the honey is sweet
- Numbers
- Recognize numbers 1-20
- Count to 20
- Shapes
- Recognize the shapes
- Draw simple shapes
- Colors
- Addition within 10
- adding various things such as toys, pinecones, pieces of snack foods
- Subtraction within 10
- subtracting various things such as toys, pinecones, pieces of snack foods
- Calendar math
- Days of the week
- Months of the year
- Yesterday
- Today
- Tomorrow
- Numbers 1-31
- How many days until ____?
- Holidays and other special days
- Seasons
- Pattens
- Be able to continue a simple ab pattern.
- Be able to continue a simple abc pattern.
- Alphabet
- Recognize the letters
- Say the alphabet
- Write the alphabet
- Lower case letters
- Upper case letters
- Know several fairy tales or simple stories
- Listen to stories
- Put stories in order
- Put simple events in order
- Fact vs fiction
- Direction words (up, down, left, right)
- Print awareness
- How to hold a book
- Front of the book
- Back of the book
- Right side up
- Looking a pictures
- Noticing the words
- Turning the pages without tearing
- Noticing words anywhere (signs, advertisements)
- word play
- rhyming words (cat, sat, mat) hear that the end sounds similar.
Social Studies
- Transportation
- Farm animals
- Wild animals
- Pets
- Jobs
- construction workers
- librarians
- storekeeper
- etc.
- Community helpers
- police
- nurses
- doctors
- firefighters
- teachers
- Simple history
- connect history with holidays such as 4th of July goes with birth of the USA, Columbus Day goes with Columbus sailing to the Americas, Thanksgiving goes with the pilgrims coming over on the Mayflower.
- Place around the neighborhood
- library
- grocery store
- parks
- churches
- other places
- weather
- seasons
- summer- hot
- fall -cooling off
- winter -cold
- spring – warming up
- Float vs sink
- living vs non-living
- fish
- Birds
- hot vs cold
- Learn about your body (able to name parts of the body)
- Learn about the 5 senses
- taste
- touch
- smell
- hearing
- sight
- plants
- Anything that your children has expressed and interest in.
Life skills
- Get dressed
- Brush teeth
- Washing
- learn the body parts by washing them
- face
- neck
- chest
- hands
- feet
- knees
- toes
- Put on shoes
- Velcro
- shoelace tying
- Manners at the table
- sweep the floor
- Sort laundry (helps teach colors)
- Fold clothes (wash clothes, match socks, put shirts on hangers)
- Simple cooking (snack making)
- Set the table (spoons, forks, napkins)
- Clean up toys
- following directions
Physical Education
- Fine motor skills (helps with learning to write)
- cutting paper
- straight line
- zigzag line
- puzzles
- playdoh
- stringing beads
- coloring
- painting
- drawing with chalk
- mazes
- dot to dots
- building with blocks
- Gross motor skills
- jumping
- jump over a rope laid on the ground
- forwards
- backwards
- sideways
- running
- skipping
- balance beam walking (forwards, sideways, and backwards)
- draw a line on the ground then have the children walk the line
- lay a jump rope on the ground have the children walk it
- swinging
- bike riding
Bible (get a children’s story book bible)
- Creation
- Adam and Eve
- Noah’s ark
- Tower of Babel
- Daniel and the lion’s den
- Birth of Jesus
- Miricle's of Jesus
- any other simple Bible Stories
- Sing nursey rhymes (helps develop literacy skills)
- Play with instruments (they sell these at the dollar store)
- Rhythm
- Listen to various instruments (YouTube has lots of videos)
- Cut and pasta projects (teaches how to use scissors)
Free play
- Creativity
- Imaginative play
- Sharing
- Turning taking
These are great ideas! Thank you for sharing.