He was a good bench warmer all of these years, but he was not saved. Outside of the church is where he showed his true colors. Some of the other things he did included making, selling, and drinking white lighting. White lighting is a type of illegal whiskey. Later, he moved up to taking and selling drugs. He even injected the needle that over dosed his neighbor. This neighbor died from the over dose.
By being a hypocrite, he hindered his family and community. Everyone knew that he was at church every time the doors were open. They also knew what he did outside the church doors. This gave a bad testimony.
In his upper 80’s he seemed to start to change for the good. Then one day he had a heart attack and was in the hospital for a few days. He seemed to be improving. However, he asked to see his whole family. They came and he told them that he loved them. He also talked to his pastor privately. After doing all of this, he got quiet for a few minutes. Everyone thought that he was getting tired and needed some rest.
In Church, he loved the Song “Beulah Land”. At this time, he raised his hand and pointed to the ceiling. Berry then started singing, “Beulah Land, I am longing for you”. His hand fell and he was gone.
No matter your life, it is never too late until you stop breathing.