
Why Homeschool?

 Homeschooling is the solution to a complicated problem. This problem should not be so complicated, but problems that has come from sin has made it complicated.  Parents are commanded by God to teach their children. The  Bible makes clear that education is to begin in the home (Gen. 18:19; Deut. 6:7; Prov. 22:6; Eph. 6:4; 2 Tim. 1:5; 3:15).   For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they  shall keep the way of the  Lord , to do justice and judgment; that the  Lord  may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. Gen 18:19 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Deut. 6:7 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the L

Trust Jesus

 Many people including me say that we trust Jesus. But do we really trust him? I have been thinking about different people in history. The disciples for instance really put their trust in Jesus. They risked everything to spread his Word. The Apostle Paul thought nothing of his life. He was only concerned with reaching the lost for Jesus. There have been countless missionaries who relied on Jesus for everything from where to live to what to eat. My daughter recently was learning about George Muller. He was a pastor who did not even except a salary but lived on donations. He then opened and successfully ran an orphanage without any dependable income. He relied on God to house, feed, and cloth all of those children. So, do we really trust that Jesus will give us what we need? We are called to follow, trust, and obey Jesus. A wise pastor said, "God does not call the qualified, but equips the called." Basically, God does not want anyone to think that they can do it withou

Life Skills for Children

 Children are in need of learning basic life skills. In the effort to help them be better able to keep up with technology, many people have forgotten that children also need to learn basic skills. A computer cannot do everything for you. So many teens and young adult get to college, and they still need someone to wash their clothes, make appointments for them, and cook their food. This is ridiculous. I am sorry but a bright young adult should be able to figure out how to do basic things.  The lack of these skills demonstrates a lack of reading comprehension skills.  Think about cooking. There are countless cookbooks written in very basic language for children. Please go to a library and check one out for your teens. Here is a list of some of my favorite ones:  Betty Crocker's  cook   book  for boys and girls. Kids cook! : 100+ super-easy, delicious recipes / American girl around the world cookbook  Get  cooking  /  -- Sam Stern's get  cooking Kids cook 1-2-3 : recipes for young

God Sees

       When I was about 7 years old, I got a beautiful pair of white boots. I really liked those boots. I wore them everywhere. One day I even wore them outside to play. I liked to ride my bike. I would ride my bike all over the yard. This day was no different.      My mom had been inside doing housework all morning. I had been outside playing all morning. She had gotten to a stopping point and came outside. She had not gotten far from the front porch when she froze. She saw there on the ground a rattle snake. It was about 10 inches long. It was laying in the well-worn path that I had make with my bike. She also saw my boot print on its head.      My mom called me over and asked me about the snake. I asked, "What snake?" She then showed me the snake with my boot print on it. It is amazing that I had apparently killed the snake before the snake had a chance to strike without me ever seeing the snake.  Thankfully God is always watching. He looks after his children even when we

God Will Provide

  When I was growing up, we never had much money. My parent’s divorce was finalized on my 4 th birthday in September. Then in Oct of the same year, my dad was involved in an 18-wheeler accident. A car had drove under the flatbed trailer. His neck was broken. He was out of work with no where to go. My mom let him come back and sleep on the couch. In December, my mom fell and broke her back. She was in the hospital through April of the next year. Now neither had a job. The house note was only $200 a month, but it might as well have been a million. Neither one of my parents could work. My dad tried to work hauling pup wood, but with having to take care of me with no help, it was hard. We didn’t have any family to come help. We could not afford childcare. Somehow even during this time, we paid the house note, had lights, and ate. At the end of April, my mom was able to come home from the hospital. However, they had waited too long to do the surgery. Her sciatic nerve in her left l

Angels Drive Log Trucks (sometimes)

Don’t ever drive faster than you angel can fly or drive. It was around September of 2008. My dad was in the hospital with heart problems. He was needing a stint put it. Many years earlier, my parents had divorced. My dad had horses at his place that had not been feed. As I was getting ready to leave, my dad mentions the horses to me. I agree to see about them. Since it was closer to go the back roads, I start off through the back roads. I am driving a little bit too fast when something tells me I need to slow down. I slow a little bit but not enough. Soon after, I hit a pothole and flip the car. As the car is flipping, I cry out, “Please, God, let the car land upright.” The car flips, according to the marks on the ground, about three times. Thankfully, it landed right-side up. However, it did take out a large portion of a cast iron fence. I am scared to say the least about the most. I know that very few cars come this way. I cannot find my purse or my phone. I look up and see a w

Homeschooling record keeping

  We are all busy. Homeschooling parents are not exception to this rule. I have created a way to keep up with lesson plans, grades, and attendance on in one. All you have to do is download this free doc. Save 4 copies for each subject. I for each of the four 9 weeks. Then type your lesson plan into the place under the heading assignment. As your child completes each assignment put the date. That is your attendance. If the assignment is for a grade put the grade. At the end of the 9 weeks average the grades.  So here is the link to the free  Homeschool Lesson plan and record keeping . While you are there feel free to check out some of my other resources.