Model Prayer
Jesus taught us how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13. The bold parts are the prayer. The other parts are just some explanations. Our Father (God has promised that he will never leave us or forsake us) Which Art in Heaven (God watches over us from heaven, but at the same time He is with us wherever we go.) Hallowed be Thy Name (His name is Holy, and we must keep His Name Holy) Thy Kingdom Come (Our God is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Just as a king rules over his subjects, God rules over the whole world. He wants to be the Lord of our lives. We must give ourselves to God so that His kingdom can live in our hearts.) Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven (God made the earth and all its many people. He knows what is best for this world. We need to let go of our selfishness and let God do His will in everything.) Give us this day our daily bread (This is the part where we bring our specific needs to God and believe His promises that He ...