February 16, 2012

Child-like Faith

Real faith always has a child-like aspect to it. The follow story tells about my mother's child-like faith during before, during and after Hurricane Camille. Like most five-year olds, she did not know theology. She simple trusted in Jesus. My mother told me this story a few years ago. It illustrates what Jesus was talking about in Mark 10:13-16, “…Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”  And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.” Every one that comes to Jesus must come as a child. God the Father is our heavenly Father. When we come to him through Jesus, we are adopted into his family.

Because she had been listening to the word of God, she had some faith. According to the word of God, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

Do babies and young children have enough knowledge to have faith in God? Read the story below. I think that you will come to the same conclusion that I have. This is why I try to tell my son about Jesus daily. I am also working to instill the idea of praying to God every day. This story is written from the viewpoint of my mother

I, Karen, started going to church when I was about 6 months old. My daddy, Marcus, worked but he was also a Preacher.

When I an about 5 years old, my parents start going to a Bible school at night. They did not have any money for a babysitter. Therefore, my brother, Paul, and I go with them. We are given crayons and paper to play with. Paul colors, but I just sat and listen as the Bible is taught.

I begin to understand some of the Bible. Everyone said, “God writes your name in heaven”. Every time I ask, “Where is heaven?” I am given the same answer. They would always point to the sky.

At this time, we live out in the country in a ranch style house. It has a porch that goes across the front of the house. At the end of the porch was where I would go to alone to talk to God. I picked a spot in the sky to be my spot where my name was written.

We did not have a television or radio at this time. One day I went to talk to God at my spot. Looking up at my spot, I saw that it was very dark. This greatly disturbed me because it was so dark. I thought that God must be very angry with me for blotting out my name. I told God that I was very sorry for everything that I had ever done wrong. Nothing happened. My spot was still very dark.

I started crying and saying, “Please God, what have I done so bad? You have always cleared my spot before. Please God, don’t be mad at me!” With tears still rolling down my face, I asked, “Why?” I then said, “Fix it, please!” The whole sky was dark, but my spot cleared. I thanked God. He loved me. I was now happy.

Later that day, daddy came home from work. He said, “Hurricane Camille is coming. It is going to hit the Gulf Coast. This is going to cause very strong winds and rain.” I did not get upset or scared, because I had talked to God early and he had cleared my spot.

Later that same night, we loaded our car and left because of the storm. The storm hit our house. It took off the roof and porch. Most of the windowpanes were blown out. Everything in the house got soaked. The American Red Cross came. They gave us new beds and a new sofa. People came from far away to help fix the roof and windows. The man that we rented from paid for the materials. People that I did not even know was there helping and giving to us. God had heard me! He cleared my spot.

I continued talking to God for many months looking up into the sky. Later, we moved to a new location. By that time, I knew that I could talk to God anywhere. At the darkest times of my life, I go alone and talk to God. He always clears the way for me.

My mother told this story to me. This is a true story. It illustrates a very important principle. Babies and young children can understand in their own way. They can talk to God. However, it is often in a child-like way with child-like understanding. This child-like “Talking to God” helped Karen to know that everything would be o.k. God cleared the spot. He heard Karen.

Is not this kind of child-like faith we should all have faith. Jesus said, ““…Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”  And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.” (Mark 10:14-16).

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